Study smart.
Own your exams.


Turn your uploads into tailored notes and exercises.
The more you study, the smarter Alice becomes at identifying your study gaps.

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Discover your gradeness

OpenAI's most powerful GPT's built in.
Now apply it with powerful study tools.
Golden Notes
Exam Simulator
Multiple Choice

Notes & Summaries

Turn your material into clear, high-quality summaries in seconds. Auto-generate Golden Notes to focus on what truly matters and own key concepts to stay ahead.

Practice Exercises

Level up your prep with tailored multiple-choice, flashcards, and our Exam Simulator. Test your skills and watch your grades improve.

Spot Study Gaps

Get instant feedback to pinpoint your study weaknesses. Close the gaps and take control of your learning.

Upload Material
Lecture Slides

Notes & Summaries

Turn your material into clear, high-quality summaries in seconds. Auto-generate Golden Notes to focus on what truly matters and own key concepts to stay ahead.

Practice Exercises

Practice instantly with course-tailored multiple-choice and flashcards. Practice instantly with course-tailored multiple-choice and flashcards.

Multiple Choice
Exam Simulator

Practice Exercises

Level up your prep with tailored multiple-choice, flashcards, and our Exam Simulator. Test your skills and watch your grades improve.

Spot Study Gaps

Get instant feedback to pinpoint your study weaknesses. Close the gaps and take control of your learning.

Practice Weaknesses
Study Gaps

Level up your learning

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150 DKK / Month
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Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
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75 DKK / Month
Enjoy 7 days free trial, then 75 DKK/month. Billed annually.
50% off: Pay just 900 DKK/year.
Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
Exam fail? Money-back guarantee.
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20 € / Month
0 €
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Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
Study your way, no strings attached.
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10 € / Month
0 €
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Billed annually.
50% off: Pay just 120 €/year.
Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
Exam fail? Money-back guarantee.
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Monthly Plan

$20 / Month
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Billed monthly.
Paid monthly, cancel anytime.
Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
Study your way, no strings attached.
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Yearly Plan

$10 / Month
Enjoy 7 days free trial, then $10/month.
Billed annually.
50% off: Pay just $120/year.
Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
Exam fail? Money-back guarantee.
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Monthly Plan

£17 / Month
Enjoy 7 days free trial, then £17/month.
Billed monthly.
Paid monthly, cancel anytime.
Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
Study your way, no strings attached.
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Yearly Plan

£8 / Month
Enjoy 7 days free trial, then £8/month.
Billed annually.
50% off: Pay just £96/year.
Always access to the latest AI, currently OpenAI's GPT models.
Exam fail? Money-back guarantee.
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Overwhelm to overview

Alice gets it. So you get it.
“I often use Alice after my lectures to test myself on what was taught. I upload both the lecture slides and the corresponding syllabus texts, and Alice generates multiple choice questions for me. I find this extremely helpful for remembering the material, and I also love how Alice provides explanations for any incorrect answers I might have."
BSc in Business Administration and Psychology, CBS
“Alice helps me organize my course materials and gain a better understanding of the different topics covered in class. Plus, Alice is the perfect study buddy, instantly generating flashcards and practice materials, which is super time-efficient and has simplified my study process.”
MSc in Economics and Business Administration, CBS
“I’ve always been super nervous before exams. Even though I do my best to study and get an overview of the syllabus, I always feel like there are parts I don’t fully understand. That’s where I think Alice is brilliant – through different exercises, I get tested on the material, and Alice quickly shows me where I’m strong and where I could use a little extra time.”
MSc in Business Administration and Psychology, CBS

"I often use Alice after my lectures to test myself on what was taught. I upload both the lecture slides and the corresponding syllabus texts, and Alice generates multiple choice questions for me. I find this extremely helpful for remembering the material, and I also love how Alice provides explanations for any incorrect answers I might have."


BSc in Business Administration and Psychology, CBS

"Alice helps me organize my course materials and gain a better understanding of the different topics covered in class. Plus, Alice is the perfect study buddy, instantly generating flashcards and practice materials, which is super time-efficient and has simplified my study process."


BSc in Business Administration and Psychology, CBS

"I’ve always been super nervous before exams. Even though I do my best to study and get an overview of the syllabus, I always feel like there are parts I don’t fully understand. That’s where I think Alice is brilliant – through different exercises, I get tested on the material, and Alice quickly shows me where I’m strong and where I could use a little extra time."


MSc in Business Administration and Psychology, CBS

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